BeView Screens is a (small) collection of Startupscreens that complement the BeView system extension.
This package contains:
- a 'Read Me' file
- a 'StartupScreens' folder containing 3 startupscreens.
This package also complements BeView Xtras, which is also available at the Info-Mac archives. It contains the latest Be Icons and a cool Hand Pointer system extension.
How do I use the StartupScreens?
Firstly, rename the StartupScreen you want to use. It must be called "StartupScreen". It can then be dropped into your System folder. The next time you restart your Mac it'll appear.
The StartupScreens folder contains 3 Startupscreens (hence the "3" appearing in the title - BeViewScreens3).
StartupScreen #1 is the plainest and is 440x330 pixels.
StartupScreen #2 is 640x480 pixels, with the graphic sitting in a BeView window on a blue background.
StartupScreen #3 is also 640x480 pixels and was created with Dabbler 2, using as many user interface (UI) elements as I could get my hands on. The idea was to show off the Be UI. (Sorry, if it appears crowded and the graphic effects are overdone!)
All screens were converted to the startupscreen format using the shareware program, GraphicConverter. It's great.
BeView is created by the authors of Aaron, Greg's Buttons, DoubleScroll and Kaleidoscope. BeView is not free - it is shareware but only costs $10. Support Greg by paying the shareware fee and then you can ask for enhancements. For example, integrating the hand cursor into the extension, or inclusion of the system font used by Be, etc.
BeView requires a Mac running System 7, and a 68020 processor or better. BeView is Accelerated for Power Macintosh. The latest version of BeView can be obtained from the web site <>. BeView is also available from the InfoMac Archives and other shareware sites that cater for the Mac platform.
What is Be and the Be OS?
Be manafactures computers called a BeBox™ with an entirely new operating system called the BeOS™ . Some of the features of a BeBox include: 2 or more PowerPC™ chips; and more input/output (I/O) ports than usual, including a multipurpose GeekPort™. The BeBox provides the hardware foundation for an operating system called the BeOS. Some of the features of the BeOS are a new interface, symmetric multiprocessing (2 or more PowerPC chips working together to process the same tasks at the same time) and pre-emptive multitasking (where the OS does several things at once - don't confuse this with the slower 'cooperative multitasking' used in the System 7.x and in Windows 3.1).
Visit the Be web site at <> to find out more. While your there, check out the mailing lists on offer. The regular Newsletter offerred on the BeInfo mailing list is excellent. Goto <>.
Be announced in August 1996 that they would be releasing the BeOS for Macintosh.
A pre-release version of the BeOS for Macintosh was demonstrated at MacWorld Boston in August 1996 using PowerComputing clones. A 'Preview release' of the BeOS for Power Macintosh is expected in the first quarter of 1997. Visit Be's web site to see what model Mac's they plan on supporting. Unfortunately, it appears the BeOS for Macintosh is only likely to run on Power Macs with a PCI bus, notably the Power Computing clones.
How did I create the Screens?
StartupScreens #1 and #2 use a graphic created by Mark H. Delfs of DelfsGrafix. (Thanks for the cool image, Mark). Check out Mark's resume at < or the DelfsGrafix page at <>.
I cut and pasted together StartupScreen 3 from images supplied by Be, Inc.
These graphics are copyright Be, Inc.
Ideas for future versions
If you have any Be related Startupscreens, desktop patterns, sounds, Quicktime, etc that you'd like to see in the package, email them to me at the address below or send me an URL.
The legal stuff
I claim no fee or payment for "BeViewScreens". It may be freely distributed, but only in it's entirety, If it is to be distributed on a CD, I would appreciate an email letting me know. The copyright and ownership for each item that comprises "BeViewScreens" remains with each author. I make no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the fitness of "BeViewScreens" for any purpose. Use "BeViewScreens" at your own risk. I claim no liability for data loss or any other problem(s) caused directly or indirectly by "BeViewScreens".
Icons and Graphics Copyright 1996 Be, Inc. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
Be, BeOS, the Be logo, BeBox and GeekPort are trademarks of Be, Inc. All rights reserved.
All other trademarks belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved.